BC Generations Project, British Columbia’s largest-ever health study, is led by researchers at BC Cancer. It is a large population-based biobank comprised of data and biosamples about the people of BC, contributed by the people of BC. Its goal is to help researchers learn more about how environment, lifestyle and genes contribute to cancer and other chronic diseases. The BC Generations Project is part of a national research initiative called the
Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow's Health (CanPath).
Nearly 30,000 BC participants have already joined the BC Generations Project. They have answered questionnaires about their health, diet and lifestyle, and medical and family history. A high percentage have also provided biosamples (blood and urine) and other physical measures.
The BC Generations Project will collect further health information from participants and track their health outcomes up to 2058. The totality of this information, collected over many years among a large study group, will provide a rich source of information for answering important questions about the origins of cancer and chronic diseases.
The BC Generations Project has completed their recruitment phase of the study. To learn more about the study, visit the
BC Generations Project website.
Canadian Partnership Against Cancer is the main funder of the BC Generations Project.