The Burnaby Hospital and BC Cancer Centre redevelopment project is a multi-phase project that will modernize and enhance patient care.
Concept of Burnaby Hospital Phase 2 and BC Cancer Centre (final design to be confirmed).
BC Cancer (Provincial Health Services Authority), in partnership with the Fraser Health Authority, is planning a new regional cancer centre as part of the second phase of the Burnaby Hospital redevelopment project.
The new integrated BC Cancer centre, located in Burnaby Hospital, will help meet the growing demand for cancer care in the rapidly expanding Fraser region communities. It will include:
- Oncology ambulatory care rooms, chemotherapy treatment spaces, oncology pharmacy, radiation therapy, and PET/CT
- Feature space for leading-edge clinical trials to advance vital research across all cancer areas
It will complement the services provided at the hospital and will include treatment, supportive care, research, education and innovative technologies, such as virtual health. Expanded cancer care services will increase capacity and decrease wait times for oncologist appointments, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, leading to better health care outcomes.
The cancer centre is a part of B.C.'s 10-year cancer action plan, which outlines immediate steps to prevent, detect and treat cancers, delivering improved care for people facing cancer now while preparing for the growing needs of the future.
Completion is anticipated for 2030
(dates are estimated and may be subject to change).
Learn more about the Burnaby Hospital and BC Cancer Centre on