The BC Cancer Registry is a database of all new cancers diagnosed in BC residents. It contains personal and demographic as well as diagnosis and death information.
The BC Cancer Registry produces an array of cancer statistics describing the impact of cancer in the BC population. Please see our statistics pages as well as our Annual Reports.
We also contribute data to Statistics Canada.
BC Cancer Registry data has been integrated with data from other provinces into the Canadian Cancer Registry and made available through Statistics Canada’s key socioeconomic database, CANSIM.
Users of this database can generate customized statistical summaries of tables on a variety of cancer statistics (e.g. cancer incidence and mortality rates, cancer survival).
The BC Cancer Registry has produced a short tutorial on
how to access CANSIM tables to help users get started.
Those accessing cancer statistics from different sources should be aware that there are some differences between statistics published by different organizations. Please see our brief summary document:
Reasons for differences in cancer statistics published in Canada
Request BC Cancer Data to:
- request
BC Cancer data
- conduct a
health data linkage study
- request SEER Statistics BC Cancer Registry data
For information about cancer in your community, including on
cancer clusters, see
Community Cancer Info.
The numbering of the BC Cancer Registry Annual Report reports changed in 2015, from the year of activity being described in the report to the year the report was released. Thus in 2016, the Annual Report summarized Registry activities and initiatives from 2015.
BC Cancer is committed to respecting personal privacy, safeguarding confidential information, and ensuring the security of personal information in our custody or under our control.
Access to registry information for research is allowed only with approval by an accredited research ethics review board, only with BC Cancer oversight, and only under Data Access Terms and Conditions of use that comply with BC Freedom of Information and Personal Privacy Act (FIPPA).