A means to keep family physicians informed on new initiatives and developments, and to promote awareness of resources and opportunities.
The Journal is published every spring and fall and distributed to every BC/Yukon family physician.
Communication & Journal of Family Practice Oncology are going Digital:
in the Fall of 2022, the FPON journal & communications will be delivered
directly to your digital device - no more paper copies!
subscribe, sign up through the sign up button link
below, or by scanning the QR code. A copy of future communications and journals will come directly to your
digital device. Questions?
Please contact us at fpon@bccancer.bc.ca
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Current issue:
**Disclaimer, If you experience difficulties with any hyper-links, you may need to update your pdf reader.
The link to
complete the needs assessment survey for the primary care
provider e-course mentioned in
the Spring 2021 Journal of Family Practice Oncology page 2 article on
supporting cancer survivors with return to work is https://mcgillnursing.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8v023JV8SYdmRRY