We want to:
- Put patients at the forefront of their health and care.
- Ensure that patients retain control over their choices.
- Help patients make informed decisions.
- Support partnerships between patients, families and health professionals.
Become a patient or family partner
Work with a patient or family partner
People-centred care
We work with patients and families in three ways to ensure a people-centred approach to care:
Through co-design - we collaborate with patients and families to plan and design services or improve the experience with services. Co-design recognizes that the patient and family is part of the team, with expertise in their lived experience.
In partnership - we partner directly with each individual patient and their family to deliver care services. Patients are involved as they wish to be in care delivery.
With input from - we collect input from patients and families through advisory committees, surveys, focus groups and informal day-to-day feedback.
Health services are most effective when they are flexible and responsive to the needs and values of the person receiving care.
Our framework for understanding, addressing and measuring patient experience is based on the “Eight Picker Principles of Person Centred Care”:
- Fast access to reliable healthcare advice
- Effective treatment by trusted professionals
- Continuity of care and smooth transitions
- Involvement and support for family and carers
- Clear information, communication and support for self-care
- Involvement in decisions and respect for preferences
- Emotional support, empathy and respect
- Attention to physical and environmental needs
For more about how these elements were developed, see the Professional Framework section.
Patient-centred care is a shared priority among the BC Ministry of Health, PHSA, BC Cancer and all of our physicians, staff, students and volunteers.