The BC Cancer Excellence Awards provide an opportunity to shine a light on the inspiring people and teams who help ensure that British Columbians receive world-class, patient-centred cancer screening, treatment and support, and benefit from new discoveries that are helping change the face of cancer.
The Victoria to Kelowna radiation therapy (RT)
referral team has received a 2023 BC Cancer Excellence
Award in the category of Teamwork and Collaboration in Action. The team is led by Kelly Nystedt, executive director, BC
Cancer – Victoria.

Team members Dr. Isabelle Gagne and Kelly Nystedt, who are based at Victoria centre.
The Teamwork and Collaboration in Action Award recognizes a team that participates in collaborative problem-solving to build relationships and effect change. The team is a model for others on how to work together to make a difference.
In 2023, the Victoria to Kelowna RT Referral Team exemplified remarkable teamwork and innovation.
With critical radiation therapist workforce shortages and extended wait times, this dedicated team devised a pioneering solution, coordinating radiation therapy for patients from the Victoria region to receive their radiation therapy planning and treatments in Kelowna.
The team's unwavering commitment and collaborative spirit enabled 64 breast cancer patients to access timely treatment, improving RT breast cancer wait times in Victoria. Overcoming technical hurdles and geographical constraints, this cross-regional team exemplified resilience, adapting swiftly to ensure seamless patient care and minimal disruption.
According to one supporter, "This experience highlighted the power of collective efforts and demonstrated the unwavering dedication of our staff to patient well-being. It's a testament to our organization's ability to collaborate effectively even in crisis situations."

Team members Dr. Isabelle Vallieres, Joanne Lee and Dr. Theodora Koulis, who are based at Victoria centre.

Team members Karen Edwards and Dena Guy, who are based at Victoria centre.

Provincial team members of the Victoria to Kelowna RT referral team. Pictured in the top row from left to right are Tammy Currie and Devin Schellenberg. Pictured in the bottom row from left to right are Kim Nguyen, James Loudon and Gerald Gelowitz.
Team members recognized as part of this award include Kelly Nystedt, Sanj Jassi, Karen Yendley, Joanne Lee, Sally Smith, Isabelle Vallieres, Stephanie Berkelaar, Victoria Van de Leest, Michael Darud, Leanna Drummond, Nathan Becker, Isabelle Gagne, Devin Schellenberg, Heather Nash, Dena Guy, Aneil Dhaliwal, Cathy Lacey, Tammy Currie, Gina Duckworth, Gerald Gelowitz, Kim Nguyen, John Larmet, Theodora Koulis, David Kim, Lori House, James Loudon and Karen Edwards.
Congratulations to the Victoria to Kelowna RT Referral Team for their outstanding demonstration of teamwork and collaboration in action, exemplifying the gifted Coast Salish teaching Nuts a maht – 'We are one"!

Kelly Nystedt receiving her team's Excellence Award from BC Cancer's Dr. Kim Chi, executive vice president and chief medical officer, and Tracy Irwin, chief operating officer, at the BC Cancer Summit awards dinner.