The BC Cancer Excellence Awards provide an opportunity to shine a light on the inspiring people and teams who help ensure that British Columbians receive world-class, patient-centred cancer screening, treatment and support, and benefit from new discoveries that are helping change the face of cancer.
"The Proof" campaign team has received a 2023 BC Cancer Excellence Award in the category of Innovation and Discovery in Action, for their work in advancing public understanding of the critical link between alcohol consumption and cancer.
The Innovation and Discovery in Action Award recognizes a team that using wisdom and curiosity, works together to advance cancer care resulting in a significant improvement in knowledge, practice or process.
"The Proof" campaign team, led by Javis Lui, manager of health promotion, prevention, screening, and Hereditary Cancer Program, is at the forefront of redefining alcohol-cancer awareness in British Columbia.
With the launch of their provincial alcohol-cancer awareness campaign, "The Proof", the team has made significant strides in advancing public understanding of the critical link between alcohol consumption and cancer.
The team engaged a creative agency to help develop a campaign that mirrors the advertising tactics of the alcohol industry, and captured public attention with eye-catching posters that contrast the allure of alcohol with stark messages highlighting the associated cancer risks.
The campaign included a Standard Drink Calculator quiz that people can use to assess their alcohol consumption accurately, helping them understand its potential health effects.
By challenging societal norms surrounding alcohol consumption and encouraging informed decision-making, "The Proof" has set a precedent for public health campaigns in the province.
"The Proof" campaign team's dedication to catalyzing behaviour change and their unwavering commitment to advancing cancer prevention embody the spirit of Innovation and Discovery in Action.
Team members recognized as part of this award include Javis Lui, Isabella Piechota, Dr. Cheryl Peters, Dr. Rachel Murphy, Fabio Feldman and Andrea Visscher.
Congratulations to "The Proof" campaign team for this well-deserved recognition.

Javis Lui receiving his team's Excellence Award from BC Cancer's Dr. Kim Chi, executive vice president and chief medical officer, and Tracy Irwin, chief operating officer at the 2023 BC Cancer Summit awards dinner on Nov. 17, 2023.