Here's an introduction to our centres and clinics as well as a guide to your first visit with us.
Patient Reported Information and Symptom Management (PRISM) form is usually given to new patient to fill out before their first visit, to help us to get to know you better and provide you with the best possible care.
It helps to be prepared for
your first visit – here’s what bring to the visit and a description of what will happen during the visit.
cancer care team is a group of healthcare professionals who work to treat your cancer – here’s a description of who might be involved.
These are
questions you might want to ask your doctor, to help you understand all the aspects of your cancer care.
A variety of
services and support is available to you as a cancer patient. Here’s an overview of the resources at BC Cancer and in the community.
Fair PharmaCare plan provides BC families with coverage for eligible prescription drugs and designated medical supplies, based on their net income.
When you are receiving care, treatment and services at BC Cancer, our staff and physicians will collect
personal information from you. Here’s an explanation of why we do this and how we manage the information.
Here are the instructions and form for
requesting a patient health record.
The Patient Care Quality Office manages questions from patients and families about quality of care, compliments and complaints and feedback.
Patient Safety Handbook provides safety information for you to use while at BC Cancer. The handbook also contains information about how to be involved in communication with your health care providers about your condition and plan of care at BC Cancer. The
handbook is available in the following languages:
People with cancer can be at a higher risk of falling due to medication or treatment side effects, changes to mobility, or simply by being in a new environment.
Read the Patient Falls & Injury Prevention brochure to learn about your falls risk and safety tips to prevent falls.
Here are some of the more
common terms you might hear during your cancer care and treatment.